Applied Thesis


Benchtop XAFS facilitates the characterization of atomic-level dispersed active site catalysts, and the scientific research results have been published in top international journals!

The benchtop XAFS (model: RapidXAFS 1M) facilitates the characterization of atomic-scale dispersed active site catalysts, and the scientific research results were published in the form of a paper in the top international journal J. Am. Chem. Soc.: "Dual-core copper(I) site confined to a monolayer of metal-organic layer promotes CO2 in a neutral electrolyte." Electroreduction toCH4".


The overuse of traditional fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas has led to excessive carbon dioxide emissions, leading to a series of environmental problems that need to be solved urgently. Currently, carbon dioxide can be converted into valuable chemicals by various methods. Among them, the electrochemicalCO2 reduction reaction (eCO2RR) driven by renewable electricity provides an effective strategy to utilizeCO2 and reduceCO2 emissions. It is well known that copper-based electrocatalysts can selectively catalyze the production of hydrocarbons byeCO2RR. Although significant progress has been made ineCO2RRtoCH4, conversion usually takes place in a strong alkaline electrolyte. It is important to note that under alkaline conditions,CO2 will react with OH to form carbonates, resulting in significantCO2 loss and increasing the likelihood of gas diffusion channel blockage. If it can achieve high-performance conversion under neutral or acidic conditions, it will be more suitable for industrialization. In fact, the current density of the methane moiety of most catalysts is less than 50 mA cm–2 under neutral conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop more effective catalysts and understand their mechanisms to promote the production ofCH4 byeCO2RRunder neutral conditions.


(Photo courtesy of J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. DOI:10.1021/jacs.3c08571)
Recently, the research team of Academician Chen Xiaoming and Professor Liao Peiqin from Sun Yat-sen University published a research team in the internationally renowned journal J. Am. Chem. Soc. published an article titled "Dicopper(I) Sites Confined in a Single Metal–Organic Layer Boosting the Electroreduction of CO2 to CH4 in a Neutral Electrolyte". In this paper, we analyzed the efficient production ofCH4 in a neutral aqueous solution by a monolayer of metal-organic layer nanosheets, namely [Cu2(obpy)2] (Cuobpy-SL, Hobpy = 1H-[2,2']bipyridinyl-6-one), in response to the active site of dinuclear copper(I). Cuobpy-SL performance test results show a Faraday efficiency of up to 82(1)% and a current density of ~90 mA cm–2 for CH4 at –1.4 V vs. RHE, with no significant decrease observed over 100 hours of continuous operation. Mechanistic studies have shown that the bicore copper site (I) in the confined space formed by molecular stacking has a strong affinity for keyC1 intermediates such as *CO, *CHO and *CH2Oto promoteCH4 production while inhibiting C–C coupling compared to the traditional single-core copper site and the fully exposed dual-core copper site.

(图片来源于J. Am. Chem. Soc. DOI:10.1021/jacs.3c08571)
(图片来源于J. Am. Chem. Soc. DOI:10.1021/jacs.3c08571)

(图片来源于J. Am. Chem. Soc. DOI:10.1021/jacs.3c08571)

XAFS谱学技术是研究单原子催化剂最有利的手段之一,本次实验所有XAFS数据由安徽吸收谱仪器设备有限公司的桌面X射线吸收谱仪测得,型号为RapidXAFS 1M。首先通过X射线吸收近边结构(XANES)分析,电解前后的Cuobpy-SL吸收边位置(图3a,3b)与Cu2O相近,表明Cu物种约为+1价;在R空间中(图S31),我们可以看到电解前后Cuobpy-SL仅在1.4 Å附近出现特征峰,未观察到2.3Å处的Cu-Cu散射峰,说明Cuobpy-SL中的Cu原子在电解前后都与氧配位为主,而不存在较大的金属团簇或颗粒;进一步通过拟合获得精确的局域配位结构(图3c, 3d)。
