
Hard X-Ray Benchtop Absorption Fine Structure Spectrometer (RapidXAFS)

Bringing XAFS/XES into the Lab

1) Highest Luminous Throughput Product
2) Excellent Stability
3) 1% Detection Limit

    Core Benefits:

    For a long time, X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS) could only be tested on individual synchrotron radiation sources. Due to the limited time of the light source machine, it cannot meet the testing needs of many scientific researchers. In recent years, XAFS data has become the "standard" for top journals, resulting in more and more research groups needing XAFS testing. With XAFS in mind, the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Science and Technology of China have jointly launched a new X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectrometer (RapidXAFS).


    Multifunction:Provide research-grade high-quality XAFS maps
    Performance:The 1% content sample test was completed within 1 hour
    Energy Range:4.5-15 keV, scalable to 20 keV
    High Luminous Flux:>2,000,000 photons/sec@7~9 KeV
    Test Elements:XAFS testing in the implementation of 3D, 5D, Rare Earth Element Transition Metals
    Ease of use:Only half a day of training is required to get on the machine
    Autonomous and controllable:90% of the components are autonomous and controllable, and there is no policy risk
    Low maintenance costs:There is no need for special personnel to maintain, operate, manage, etc


    RapidXAFS has the following features:

    • Highest luminous flux product

      The photon flux is higher than 1,000,000 photons/s/eV-2,000,000 photons/s/eV, and the spectral acquisition efficiency is several times higher than that of other products, and the data quality is the same as that of synchrotron radiation

    • Excellent stability

      The monochromatic light intensity stability of the light source is better than 0.1%, and the repeated acquisition energy drift is < 50 meV

    • 1% detection limit

      High luminous flux, excellent optical path optimization, and excellent light source stability ensure high-quality EXAFS data at >1% of the measured elemental content

    Instrument principle

    X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is a powerful tool for studying the local atomic or electronic structure of materials, and is widely used in catalysis, energy, nanotechnology and other popular fields.

    The main advantages are as follows:

    1. It does not depend on the long-range ordered structure and can be used for the study of amorphous materials;

    2. It is not interfered with by other elements, and different elements in the same material can be studied separately;

    3. There is no damage to the sample, and the test can be carried out in the atmospheric environment;

    4. It is not affected by the sample state, and can measure solids (crystals, powders), liquids (solutions, molten states) and gases.

    5. Structural parameters such as coordination atomic type, coordination number and atomic spacing can be obtained, and the atomic spacing accuracy can reach 0.01A.



    mn.jpgMn data, Mn K-edge XAFS data, the data are consistent with synchrotron radiation sources

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    Kβ emission spectra data for Fe samples: core to core XES and valence to core XES

    The XAFS spectrum consists of two main parts: the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). The energy range of EXAFS is about 50 eV to 1000 eV after the absorption edge, and is the result of the single-electron scattering effect of the inner photoelectrons excited by X-rays between the surrounding atoms and the absorbing atoms. XANES consists of a range of about 10 eV before the absorption edge to about 50 eV after the absorption edge, which is mainly due to the single-electron multiple scattering effect between the surrounding atoms and the absorbing atoms of the inner shell photoelectrons excited by X-rays.

    Test data

    Foil EXAFS data

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    Actual sample data at low concentrations (0.5%)

    Measurable elements: the green part can measure the K edge, and the yellow part can measure the L edge

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    Fields of application

    XAFS Applications:

    • Industrial catalysis

    • Energy storage materials

    • Nanomaterials

    • Environmental toxicology

    • Also qualitative analysis

    • Heavy element analysis

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